Paralyzed Veterans of America works with policymakers to implement legislation to improve benefits and health care services for veterans and their families.
Paralyzed Veterans of America’s Legislation Program plans, coordinates, and implements Paralyzed Veterans’ relations with the United States Congress and federal departments and agencies. Through our relationships with federal, state, and local policymakers, Paralyzed Veterans works to ensure that veterans, their dependents, and survivors, receive the best benefits and highest quality health care available.
The Independent Budget (IB) is a decades-long partnership among DAV (Disabled American Veterans), Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) for the purpose of providing annual budget and appropriations recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its many programs, services, and benefits. This report provides funding and related recommendations for VA’s fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget and FY 2024 advance appropriations for VA medical care programs.
The report is available here
PVA joins long-time partners DAV and VFW in releasing two reports –This year’s report outlines 11 critical issues and more than 50 recommendations for the 117th Congress and VA, spread across 11 critical issues. Among the topics covered are access to long-term care, sufficient VA health care staffing, VA claims transparency, toxic substance exposures, employment, COVID-19, mental health, and minority issues (with emphasis on women, African
Americans, Hispanic, and LGBTQ veterans), and more.